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  • 東京大学医学部附属病院 循環器内科 助教
  • アムステルダム大学病院(Amsterdam University Medical Center) 循環器内科 研究員
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  • 東京大学医学部附属病院 循環器内科
  • 高津駅前はら内科ハートクリニック 開院


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  • 日本内科学会
  • 日本循環器学会


  • 2021年度 福田記念医療技術振興財団 論文賞
  • 第82回日本循環器学会学術集会Young Investigator's Award (YIA) Basic research部門最優秀賞
  • 第1回 日本循環器学会基礎研究フォーラム Award Session 優秀賞
  • 第21回 日本心血管内分泌代謝学会学術総会 若手研究奨励賞(YIA)
  • Molecular Cardiovascular Metabolic Conference 2017 Best Abstract Award
  • 第4回 東京未来医療フォーラム 最優秀賞
  • 第4回 Heart Science Club 奨励賞
  • 第3回 東京未来医療フォーラム 研究計画提案優秀賞


  • PCIにおける出血と梗塞による長期リスク:「循環器内科」、科学評論社、p574-579、2021
  • 心筋細胞分裂による心筋再生:「医学のあゆみ 心不全のすべて 分子生物学から緩和ケアまで:beyondガイドライン」、医歯薬出版株式会社、p1243-1247、2018
  • 大動脈解離・大動脈:『診断と治療 血管の炎症を俯瞰する』、診断と治療社、p215-220、2018
  • 急性心膜炎:「研修医・若手Dr.にエキスパートが伝授する 循環器診療のロジック」、南山堂、p139-144、2017
  • 成体心筋細胞は分裂するか?:「Annual Review循環器2015」、中外医学社、p1-7、2015
  • 心不全:「内科レジデント実践マニュアル第9版」、分光堂、p98-110、2012
  • 診断 冠動脈造影:「最新医学別冊 新しい診断と治療のABC69/循環器 12狭心症」、最新医学社、p120-129、2010


  • Risk stratification and risk models in revascularization: The PCR-EAPCI Textbook, Percutaneous interventional cardiovascular medicine VOLUME II, Intervention I, PART III


Hara H, Shiomi H, van Klaveren D, Kent DM, Steyerberg EW, Garg S, Onuma Y, Kimura T, Serruys PW. External Validation of the SYNTAX Score II 2020. J Am Coll Cardiol 2021; 78(12):1227-1238.

Hara H, Ono M, Kawashima H, Onuma Y, Serruys PW. Trade-off Between Bleeding and Thrombotic Risk in Patients With Academic Research Consortium for High Bleeding Risk. JAMA Cardiol 2021; 6(9):1092-1094.

Serruys PW*, Hara H*(*equally first contribution), Garg S, Kawashima H, Norgaard BL, Dweck MR, Bax JJ, Knuuti J, Nieman K, Leipsic JA, Mushtaq S, Andreini D, Onuma Y. Coronary Computed Tomographic Angiography for Complete Assessment of Coronary Artery Disease: JACC State-of-the-Art Review. J Am Coll Cardiol 2021; 78(7):713-736.

Hara H, Takahashi K, van Klaveren D, Wang R, Garg S, Ono M, Kawashima H, Gao C, Mack M, Holmes DR, Morice MC, Head SJ, Kappetein AP, Thuijs D, Onuma Y, Noack T, Mohr FW, Davierwala PM, Serruys PW, Investigators SES. Sex Differences in All-Cause Mortality in the Decade Following Complex Coronary Revascularization. J Am Coll Cardiol 2020; 76(8):889-899.

Hara H, Serruys PW, Takahashi K, Kawashima H, Ono M, Gao C, Wang R, Mohr FW, Holmes DR, Davierwala PM, Head SJ, Thuijs D, Milojevic M, Kappetein AP, Garg S, Onuma Y, Mack MJ, Investigators SES. Impact of Peri-Procedural Myocardial Infarction on Outcomes After Revascularization. J Am Coll Cardiol 2020; 76(14):1622-1639.


Ono M, Serruys PW, Garg S, Kawashima H, Gao C, Hara H, Lunardi M, Wang R, O'Leary N, Wykrzykowska JJ, Piek JJ, Mack MJ, Holmes DR, Morice MC, Kappetein AP, Thuijs DJFM, Noack T, Mohr FW, Davierwala PM, Spertus JA, Cohen DJ, Onuma Y; SYNTAX Extended Survival Investigators. Effect of Patient-Reported Preprocedural Physical and Mental Health on 10-Year Mortality After Percutaneous or Surgical Coronary Revascularization. Circulation. 2022;146(17):1268-1280.

Davierwala PM, Gao C, Thuijs D, Wang R, Hara H, Ono M, Noack T, Garg S, O'Leary N, Milojevic M, Kappetein AP, Morice MC, Mack MJ, van Geuns RJ, Holmes DR, Gaudino M, Taggart DP, Onuma Y, Mohr FW, Serruys PW, Investigators SES. Single or multiple arterial bypass graft surgery vs. percutaneous coronary intervention in patients with three-vessel or left main coronary artery disease. Eur Heart J 2022; 43(13):1334-1344.

Wang R, Serruys PW, Gao C, Hara H, Takahashi K, Ono M, Kawashima H, O'Leary N, Holmes DR, Witkowski A, Curzen N, Burzotta F, James S, van Geuns RJ, Kappetein AP, Morel MA, Head SJ, Thuijs D, Davierwala PM, O'Brien T, Fuster V, Garg S, Onuma Y. Ten-year all-cause death after percutaneous or surgical revascularization in diabetic patients with complex coronary artery disease. Eur Heart J 2021; 43(1):56-67.

Serruys PW, Ono M, Garg S, Hara H, Kawashima H, Pompilio G, Andreini D, Holmes DR, Jr., Onuma Y, King Iii SB. Percutaneous Coronary Revascularization: JACC Historical Breakthroughs in Perspective. J Am Coll Cardiol 2021; 78(4):384-407.

Ono M, Serruys PW, Hara H, Kawashima H, Gao C, Wang R, Takahashi K, O'Leary N, Wykrzykowska JJ, Sharif F, Piek JJ, Garg S, Mack MJ, Holmes DR, Morice MC, Head SJ, Kappetein AP, Thuijs D, Noack T, Davierwala PM, Mohr FW, Cohen DJ, Onuma Y, Investigators SES. 10-Year Follow-Up After Revascularization in Elderly Patients With Complex Coronary Artery Disease. J Am Coll Cardiol 2021; 77(22):2761-2773.

Kawashima H, Takahashi K, Ono M, Hara H, Wang R, Gao C, Sharif F, Mack MJ, Holmes DR, Morice MC, Head SJ, Kappetein AP, Thuijs D, Milojevic M, Noack T, Mohr FW, Davierwala PM, Serruys PW, Onuma Y, Investigators SES. Mortality 10 Years After Percutaneous or Surgical Revascularization in Patients With Total Coronary Artery Occlusions. J Am Coll Cardiol 2021; 77(5):529-540.

Kawashima H, Serruys PW, Ono M, Hara H, O'Leary N, Mack MJ, Holmes DR, Morice MC, Head SJ, Kappetein AP, Thuijs D, Milojevic M, Noack T, Mohr FW, Davierwala PM, Sharif F, McEvoy JW, Onuma Y, Investigators SES. Impact of Optimal Medical Therapy on 10-Year Mortality After Coronary Revascularization. J Am Coll Cardiol 2021; 78(1):27-38.

Gaudino M, Di Franco A, Alexander JH, Bakaeen F, Egorova N, Kurlansky P, Boening A, Chikwe J, Demetres M, Devereaux PJ, Diegeler A, Dimagli A, Flather M, Hameed I, Lamy A, Lawton JS, Reents W, Robinson NB, Audisio K, Rahouma M, Serruys PW, Hara H, Taggart DP, Girardi LN, Fremes SE, Benedetto U. Sex differences in outcomes after coronary artery bypass grafting: a pooled analysis of individual patient data. Eur Heart J 2021; 43(1):18-28.

Fujiwara T, Takeda N, Hara H, Ishii S, Numata G, Tokiwa H, Maemura S, Suzuki T, Takiguchi H, Kubota Y, Seo K, Sakata A, Nomura S, Hatano M, Ueda K, Harada M, Toko H, Takimoto E, Akazawa H, Nishimura S, Komuro I. Three-Dimensional Visualization of Hypoxia-Induced Pulmonary Vascular Remodeling in Mice. Circulation 2021; 144(17):1452-1455.

Hara H, Serruys PW, O'Leary N, Gao C, Murray A, Breslin E, Garg S, Bureau C, Reiber JH, Barbato E, Aminian A, Janssens L, Rosseel L, Benit E, Campo G, Guiducci V, Casella G, Santarelli A, Franze A, Diaz VAJ, Iniguez A, Brugaletta S, Sabate M, Amat-Santos IJ, Amoroso G, Wykrzykowska J, von Birgelen C, Somi S, Liu T, Hofma SH, Curzen N, Trillo R, Ocaranza R, Mathur A, Smits PC, Escaned J, Baumbach A, Wijns W, Sharif F, Onuma Y, investigator PIt. Angiography-derived physiology guidance vs usual care in an All-comers PCI population treated with the healing-targeted supreme stent and Ticagrelor monotherapy: PIONEER IV trial design. Am Heart J 2022; 246:32-43.

Hara H, Onuma Y, Serruys PW. Reply: Composite endpoints in clinical trials - simplicity or perfection? EuroIntervention 2022; 17(13):1121-1122.

Hara H, O'Leary N, Ono M, Onuma Y, Serruys PW. A comparison of risk prediction models for patients with acute coronary syndromes. EuroIntervention 2022; 17(16):1362-1364.

Hara H, Kawashima H, Ono M, Takahashi K, Mack MJ, Holmes DR, Jr., Morice MC, Davierwala PM, Mohr FW, Thuijs D, Kappetein AP, O'Leary N, van Klaveren D, Onuma Y, Serruys PW. Impact of preprocedural biological markers on 10-year mortality in the SYNTAXES trial. EuroIntervention 2022; 17(18):1477-1487.

de Winter RJ*, Zaman A*, Hara H*(*equally first contribution), Gao C, Ono M, Garg S, Smits PC, Tonino PAL, Hofma SH, Moreno R, Choudhury A, Petrov I, Cequier A, Colombo A, Kaul U, Onuma Y, Serruys PW. Sirolimus-eluting stents with ultrathin struts versus everolimus-eluting stents for patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention: final three-year results of the TALENT trial. EuroIntervention 2022;18(6):492-502

Serruys PW*, Hara H*(*equally first contribution), Garg S, Onuma Y. Have We Overdefined Periprocedural Myocardial Infarction to the Point of Extinction? JACC Cardiovasc Interv 2021; 14(15):1635-1638.

Hara H, van Klaveren D, Kogame N, Chichareon P, Modolo R, Tomaniak M, Ono M, Kawashima H, Takahashi K, Capodanno D, Onuma Y, Serruys PW. Statistical methods for composite endpoints. EuroIntervention 2021; 16(18):e1484-e1495.

Hara H, Ono M, Kawashima H, Kogame N, Mack MJ, Holmes DR, Morice MC, Davierwala PM, Mohr FW, Thuijs D, Head SJ, Kappetein AP, Onuma Y, Serruys PW, Investigators SES. Impact of stent length and diameter on 10-year mortality in the SYNTAXES trial. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv 2021; 98(3):E379-E387.

Gamal AS*, Hara H*(*equally first contribution), Tomaniak M, Lunardi M, Gao C, Ono M, Kawashima H, Juni P, Vranckx P, Windecker S, Hamm C, Steg PG, Onuma Y, Serruys PW. 'Ticagrelor alone vs. dual antiplatelet therapy from 1 month after drug-eluting coronary stenting among patients with STEMI': a post hoc analysis of the randomized GLOBAL LEADERS trial. Eur Heart J Acute Cardiovasc Care 2021; 10(7):756-773.

Hara H, van Klaveren D, Takahashi K, Kogame N, Chichareon P, Modolo R, Tomaniak M, Ono M, Kawashima H, Wang R, Gao C, Niethammer M, Fontos G, Angioi M, Ribeiro VG, Barbato E, Leandro S, Hamm C, Valgimigli M, Windecker S, Juni P, Steg PG, Verbeeck J, Tijssen JGP, Sharif F, Onuma Y, Serruys PW, Investigators GLT. Comparative Methodological Assessment of the Randomized GLOBAL LEADERS Trial Using Total Ischemic and Bleeding Events. Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes 2020; 13(8):e006660.

Hara H, Takahashi K, Kogame N, Tomaniak M, Kerkmeijer LSM, Ono M, Kawashima H, Wang R, Gao C, Wykrzykowska JJ, de Winter RJ, Neumann FJ, Plante S, Lemos Neto PA, Garg S, Juni P, Vranckx P, Windecker S, Valgimigli M, Hamm C, Steg PG, Onuma Y, Serruys PW. Impact of Bleeding and Myocardial Infarction on Mortality in All-Comer Patients Undergoing Percutaneous Coronary Intervention. Circ Cardiovasc Interv 2020; 13(9):e009177.

Hara H, Maemura S, Fujiwara T, Takeda N, Ishii S, Yagi H, Suzuki T, Harada M, Toko H, Kanaya T, Ijichi H, Moses HL, Takimoto E, Morita H, Akazawa H, Komuro I. Inhibition of transforming growth factor-beta signaling in myeloid cells ameliorates aortic aneurysmal formation in Marfan syndrome. PLoS One 2020; 15(11):e0239908.

Hara H, Kogame N, Takahashi K, Modolo R, Chichareon P, Tomaniak M, Ono M, Kawashima H, Gao C, Wang R, Valkov VD, Vom Dahl J, Steinwender C, Geisler T, Lemos Neto PA, Macaya Miguel C, Garg S, Juni P, Hamm C, Steg PG, Valgimigli M, Vranckx P, Windecker S, Farooq V, Onuma Y, Serruys PW, Investigators GLT. Usefulness of the updated logistic clinical SYNTAX score after percutaneous coronary intervention in patients with prior coronary artery bypass graft surgery: Insights from the GLOBAL LEADERS trial. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv 2020; 96(5):E516-E526.

Hara H, Gao C, Kogame N, Ono M, Kawashima H, Wang R, Morel MA, O'Leary N, Sharif F, Mollmann H, Reiber JHC, Sabate M, Zaman A, Wijns W, Onuma Y, Serruys PW. A randomised controlled trial of the sirolimus-eluting biodegradable polymer ultra-thin Supraflex stent versus the everolimus-eluting biodegradable polymer SYNERGY stent for three-vessel coronary artery disease: rationale and design of the Multivessel TALENT trial. EuroIntervention 2020; 16(12):e997-e1004.

Ito M*, Hara H*(*equally first contribution), Takeda N, Naito AT, Nomura S, Kondo M, Hata Y, Uchiyama M, Morita H, Komuro I. Characterization of a small molecule that promotes cell cycle activation of human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes. J Mol Cell Cardiol 2019; 128:90-95.

Hara H, Takeda N, Fujiwara T, Yagi H, Maemura S, Kanaya T, Nawata K, Morita H, Komuro I. Activation of TGF-beta signaling in an aortic aneurysm in a patient with Loeys-Dietz syndrome caused by a novel loss-of-function variant of TGFBR1. Hum Genome Var 2019; 6:6.

Hara H, Takeda N, Kondo M, Kubota M, Saito T, Maruyama J, Fujiwara T, Maemura S, Ito M, Naito AT, Harada M, Toko H, Nomura S, Kumagai H, Ikeda Y, Ueno H, Takimoto E, Akazawa H, Morita H, Aburatani H, Hata Y, Uchiyama M, Komuro I. Discovery of a Small Molecule to Increase Cardiomyocytes and Protect the Heart After Ischemic Injury. JACC Basic Transl Sci 2018; 3(5):639-653.

Oshima T*, Hara H*(*equally first contribution), Takeda N, Hasumi E, Kuroda Y, Taniguchi G, Inuzuka R, Nawata K, Morita H, Komuro I. A novel mutation of NFIX causes Sotos-like syndrome (Malan syndrome) complicated with thoracic aortic aneurysm and dissection. Hum Genome Var 2017; 4:17022.

Hara H, Takeda N, Morita H, Hatano M, Amiya E, Maki H, Minatsuki S, Taki M, Shiraishi Y, Fujiwara T, Maemura S, Komuro I. Three novel BMPR2 mutations associated with advanced pulmonary arterial hypertension. Hum Genome Var 2017; 4:17010.

Hara H, Takeda N, Komuro I. Pathophysiology and therapeutic potential of cardiac fibrosis. Inflamm Regen 2017; 37:13.

Hara H, Yamashita H, Nakayama A, Hosoya Y, Ando J, Iijima K, Hirata Y, Komuro I. A rare case of anomalous origin of the left anterior descending artery from the pulmonary artery. Int J Cardiol 2014; 172(1):e66-8.

Hara H, Aoki J, Tanabe K, Taniwaki M, Hara K. Signet ring-like appearance: specific feature of vulnerable plaques detected by 320-slice multidetector computed tomography. EuroIntervention 2014; 9(10):1248.

Hara H, Tanabe K, Tanimoto S, Aoki J, Yachi S, Kishi S, Nakajima H, Miyairi T, Hara K. Aortic regurgitation due to back-and-forth intimal flap movement detected by both multidetector computed tomography and transesophageal echocardiography. J Cardiol Cases 2013; 7(6):e161-e163.

Hara H, Aoki J, Tanabe K, Tanimoto S, Nakajima Y, Yahagi K, Nakashima M, Hashimoto T, Asami M, Watanabe M, Yoshida E, Nakajima H, Hara K. Incidence and predictors for late target lesion revascularization after sirolimus-eluting stent implantation. Circ J 2013; 77(4):988-94.

Hara H, Aoki J, Tanabe K, Nishi A, Tanimoto S, Nakajima Y, Yahagi K, Nakashima M, Hashimoto T, Asami M, Watanabe M, Yoshida E, Nakajima H, Hara K. Impact of the clinical syntax score on 5-year clinical outcomes after sirolimus-eluting stents implantation. Cardiovasc Interv Ther 2013; 28(3):258-66.

Kotoku N, Ninomiya K, Masuda S, O'Leary N, Garg S, Naito M, Miyashita K, Tobe A, Kageyama S, Tsai TY, Revaiah PC, Tu S, Kozuma K, Kawashima H, Ishibashi Y, Nakazawa G, Takahashi K, Okamura T, Miyazaki Y, Tateishi H, Nakamura M, Kogame N, Asano T, Nakatani S, Morino Y, Ishida M, Katagiri Y, Ono M, Hara H, Sotomi Y, Tanabe K, Ozaki Y, Muramatsu T, Dijkstra J, Onuma Y, Serruys PW. Preprocedural physiological assessment of coronary disease patterns to predict haemodynamic outcomes post-PCI. EuroIntervention. 2023;19(11):e891-e902.

Fujiwara T, Takeda N, Hara H, Ishii S, Numata G, Tokiwa H, Katoh M, Maemura S, Suzuki T, Takiguchi H, Yanase T, Kubota Y, Nomura S, Hatano M, Ueda K, Harada M, Toko H, Takimoto E, Akazawa H, Morita H, Nishimura S, Komuro I. PGC-1α-mediated angiogenesis prevents pulmonary hypertension in mice. JCI Insight. 2023;8(17):e162632.

Wang R, Lunardi M, Hara H, Gao C, Ono M, Davierwala PM, Holmes DR, Mohr FW,Curzen N, Burzotta F, van Geuns RJ, Kappetein AP, Head SJ, Thuijs DJFM, Tao L, Garg S, Onuma Y, Wijns W, Serruys PW. Impact of repeat revascularization within 5 years on 10-year mortality after percutaneous or surgical revascularization. Clin Res Cardiol. 2023;112(9):1302-1311.

Masuda S, Muramatsu T, Ishibashi Y, Kozuma K, Tanabe K, Nakatani S, Kogame N, Nakamura M, Asano T, Okamura T, Miyazaki Y, Tateishi H, Ozaki Y, Nakazawa G, Morino Y, Katagiri Y, Garg S, Hara H, Ono M, Kawashima H, Lemos PA, Serruys PW, Onuma Y. Reduced-dose prasugrel monotherapy without aspirin after PCI with the SYNERGY stent in East Asian patients presenting with chronic coronary syndromes or non-ST-elevation acute coronary syndromes: rationale and design of the ASET Japan pilot study. AsiaIntervention. 2023;9(1):39-48.

Serruys PW, Zhou J, Hara H, Garg S, Onuma Y. Are We Unisex When Undergoing Left Main Revascularization? Journal of the Society for Cardiovascular Angiography & Interventions 2022:100345.

Ozaki Y, Hara H, Onuma Y, Katagiri Y, Amano T, Kobayashi Y, Muramatsu T, Ishii H, Kozuma K, Tanaka N, Matsuo H, Uemura S, Kadota K, Hikichi Y, Tsujita K, Ako J, Nakagawa Y, Morino Y, Hamanaka I, Shiode N, Shite J, Honye J, Matsubara T, Kawai K, Igarashi Y, Okamura A, Ogawa T, Shibata Y, Tsuji T, Yajima J, Iwabuchi K, Komatsu N, Sugano T, Yamaki M, Yamada S, Hirase H, Miyashita Y, Yoshimachi F, Kobayashi M, Aoki J, Oda H, Katahira Y, Ueda K, Nishino M, Nakao K, Michishita I, Ueno T, Inohara T, Kohsaka S, Ismail TF, Serruys PW, Nakamura M, Yokoi H, Ikari Y, Task Force on Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention of the Japanese Cardiovascular Interventional T. CVIT expert consensus document on primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) for acute myocardial infarction (AMI) update 2022. Cardiovasc Interv Ther 2022; 37(1):1-34.

Ono M, Serruys PW, Kawashima H, Lunardi M, Wang R, Hara H, Gao C, Garg S, O'Leary N, Wykrzykowska JJ, Piek JJ, Holmes DR, Morice MC, Kappetein AP, Noack T, Davierwala PM, Spertus JA, Cohen DJ, Onuma Y; SYNTAX Extended Survival Investigators. Impact of residual angina on long-term clinical outcomes after percutaneous coronary intervention or coronary artery bypass graft for complex coronary artery disease. Eur Heart J Qual Care Clin Outcomes. 2022:qcac052.

Ono M, Tomaniak M, Koenig W, Khamis R, de Silva R, Chichareon P, Kawashima H, Hara H, Gao C, Wang R, Huber K, Vrolix M, Jasionowicz P, Wykrzykowska JJ, Piek JJ, Juni P, Hamm C, Steg PG, Windecker S, Onuma Y, Storey RF, Serruys PW. Impact of white blood cell count on clinical outcomes in patients treated with aspirin-free ticagrelor monotherapy after percutaneous coronary intervention: insights from the GLOBAL LEADERS trial. Eur Heart J Cardiovasc Pharmacother 2022; 8(1):39-47.

Ono M, Onuma Y, Kawashima H, Hara H, Gao C, Wang R, O'Leary N, Benit E, Janssens L, Ferrario M, Zurakowski A, Dominici M, Huber K, Buszman P, Garg S, Wykrzykowska JJ, Piek JJ, Juni P, Hamm C, Windecker S, Vranckx P, Deliargyris EN, Bhatt DL, Storey RF, Valgimigli M, Serruys PW, investigators GLt. Impact of proton pump inhibitors on efficacy of antiplatelet strategies with ticagrelor or aspirin after percutaneous coronary intervention: Insights from the GLOBAL LEADERS trial. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv 2022; 100(1):72-82.

Ono M, Hara H, Kawashima H, Gao C, Wang R, Wykrzykowska JJ, Piek JJ, Garg S, Hamm C, Steg PG, Valgimigli M, Windecker S, Vranckx P, Onuma Y, Serruys PW. Ticagrelor monotherapy versus aspirin monotherapy at 12 months after percutaneous coronary intervention: a landmark analysis of the GLOBAL LEADERS trial. EuroIntervention 2022.

Ono M, Hara H, Gao C, Kawashima H, Wang R, O'Leary N, Wykrzykowska JJ, Piek JJ, Mack MJ, Holmes D, Morice MC, Head S, Kappetein AP, Noack T, Davierwala PM, Mohr FW, Garg S, Onuma Y, Serruys PW; SYNTAX Extended Survival Investigators. Mortality after multivessel revascularisation involving the proximal left anterior descending artery. Heart. 2022;108(22):1784-1791.

Ninomiya K, Serruys PW, Garg S, Hara H, Masuda S, Kageyama S, Kotoku N, Sevestre E, Kumar A, O'Kane P, Zaman A, Farah B, Magro M, Oemrawsingh RM, Mollmann H, Meneveau N, Achenbach S, Lemoine J, Allali A, Gallagher S, Wykrzykowska J, Lesiak M, Silvestri M, Wijns W, Sharif F, Onuma Y. The Utility of the SYNTAX Score II and SYNTAX Score 2020 for Identifying Patients with Three-Vessel Disease Eligible for Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in the Multivessel TALENT Trial: A Prospective Pilot Experience. Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine 2022; 23(4).

Kawashima H, Serruys PW, Hara H, Ono M, Gao C, Wang R, Garg S, Sharif F, de Winter RJ, Mack MJ, Holmes DR, Morice MC, Kappetein AP, Thuijs D, Milojevic M, Noack T, Mohr FW, Davierwala PM, Onuma Y, Investigators SES. 10-Year All-Cause Mortality Following Percutaneous or Surgical Revascularization in Patients With Heavy Calcification. JACC Cardiovasc Interv 2022; 15(2):193-204.

Kawashima H, Ono M, Hara H, de Winter RJ, Holmes DR, Thuijs D, Milojevic M, Garg S, Serruys PW, Onuma Y, Investigators SES. Ten-Year All-Cause Mortality Following Staged Percutaneous Revascularization in Patients With Complex Coronary Artery Disease. Cardiovasc Revasc Med 2022; 38:124-126.

Kawashima H, Kogame N, Ono M, Hara H, Takahashi K, Reiber JHC, Thomsen B, de Winter RJ, Tanaka K, La Meir M, de Mey J, Schneider U, Doenst T, Teichgraber U, Wijns W, Mushtaq S, Pompilio G, Bartorelli AL, Andreini D, Serruys PW, Onuma Y. Diagnostic concordance and discordance between angiography-based quantitative flow ratio and fractional flow reserve derived from computed tomography in complex coronary artery disease. J Cardiovasc Comput Tomogr 2022; 16(4):336-342.

Wu X, Wu S, Kawashima H, Hara H, Ono M, Gao C, Wang R, Lunardi M, Sharif F, Wijns W, Serruys PW, Onuma Y. Current perspectives on bioresorbable scaffolds in coronary intervention and other fields. Expert Rev Med Devices 2021; 18(4):351-365.

Wang R, Wu S, Gamal A, Gao C, Hara H, Kawashima H, Ono M, van Geuns RJ, Vranckx P, Windecker S, Onuma Y, Serruys PW, Garg S. Aspirin-free antiplatelet regimens after PCI: insights from the GLOBAL LEADERS trial and beyond. Eur Heart J Cardiovasc Pharmacother 2021; 7(6):547-556.

Wang R, Tomaniak M, Takahashi K, Gao C, Kawashima H, Hara H, Ono M, van Klaveren D, van Geuns RJ, Morice MC, Davierwala PM, Mack MJ, Witkowski A, Curzen N, Berti S, Burzotta F, James S, Kappetein AP, Head SJ, Thuijs D, Mohr FW, Holmes DR, Tao L, Onuma Y, Serruys PW. Impact of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease on 10-year mortality after percutaneous coronary intervention and bypass surgery for complex coronary artery disease: insights from the SYNTAX Extended Survival study. Clin Res Cardiol 2021; 110(7):1083-1095.

Wang R, Kawashima H, Hara H, Gao C, Ono M, Takahashi K, Tu S, Soliman O, Garg S, van Geuns RJ, Tao L, Wijns W, Onuma Y, Serruys PW. Comparison of Clinically Adjudicated Versus Flow-Based Adjudication of Revascularization Events in Randomized Controlled Trials. Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes 2021; 14(11):e008055.

Wang R, Garg S, Gao C, Kawashima H, Ono M, Hara H, van Geuns RJ, Morice MC, Davierwala PM, Kappetein AP, Holmes DR, Wijns W, Tao L, Onuma Y, Serruys PW. Impact of established cardiovascular disease on 10-year death after coronary revascularization for complex coronary artery disease. Clin Res Cardiol 2021; 110(10):1680-1691.

Takahashi K, Thuijs D, Hara H, Wang R, Mohr FW, Morice MC, Holmes DR, Jr., Kappetein AP, Head SJ, Onuma Y, Serruys PW, Collaborators. Impact of the CABG SYNTAX score on all-cause death at 10 years: a SYNTAX Extended Survival (SYNTAXES) substudy. EuroIntervention 2021; 17(1):75-77.

Ono M, Takahashi K, Gao C, Kawashima H, Wu X, Hara H, Wang R, Wykrzykowska JJ, Piek JJ, Sharif F, Serruys PW, Wijns W, Onuma Y. The state-of-the-art coronary stent with crystallized sirolimus: the MiStent technology and its clinical program. Future Cardiol 2021; 17(4):593-607.

Ono M, Serruys PW, Patel MR, Escaned J, Akasaka T, Lavieren MAV, Haase C, Grass M, Kogame N, Hara H, Kawashima H, Wykrzykowska JJ, Piek JJ, Garg S, O'Leary N, Inderbitzen B, Onuma Y. A prospective multicenter validation study for a novel angiography-derived physiological assessment software: Rationale and design of the radiographic imaging validation and evaluation for Angio-iFR (ReVEAL iFR) study. Am Heart J 2021; 239:19-26.

Ono M, Kawashima H, Hara H, O'Leary N, Gao C, Wang R, Takahashi K, Wykrzykowska JJ, Piek JJ, Mack MJ, Holmes DR, Morice MC, Head SJ, Kappetein AP, Thuijs D, Noack T, Friedrich MW, Davierwala PM, McEvoy JW, Onuma Y, Serruys PW. Impact of Body Composition Indices on Ten-year Mortality After Revascularization of Complex Coronary Artery Disease (From the Syntax Extended Survival Trial). Am J Cardiol 2021; 151:30-38.

Ono M, Kawashima H, Hara H, Mancone M, Mack MJ, Holmes DR, Morice MC, Kappetein AP, Thuijs D, Noack T, Mohr FW, Davierwala PM, Onuma Y, Serruys PW, Investigators SES. Impact of major infections on 10-year mortality after revascularization in patients with complex coronary artery disease. Int J Cardiol 2021; 341:9-12.

Ono M, Kawashima H, Hara H, Katagiri Y, Takahashi K, Kogame N, Wykrzykowska JJ, Piek JJ, Doshi M, Sharif F, Onuma Y, Colombo A, Serruys PW, Cortese B. A Prospective Multicenter Randomized Trial to Assess the Effectiveness of the MagicTouch Sirolimus-Coated Balloon in Small Vessels: Rationale and Design of the TRANSFORM I Trial. Cardiovasc Revasc Med 2021; 25:29-35.

Ono M, Kawashima H, Hara H, Gamal A, Wang R, Gao C, O'Leary N, Soliman O, Piek JJ, van Geuns RJ, Juni P, Hamm CW, Valgimigli M, Vranckx P, Windecker S, Steg PG, Fox KA, Onuma Y, Serruys PW. External validation of the GRACE risk score 2.0 in the contemporary all-comers GLOBAL LEADERS trial. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv 2021; 98(4):E513-E522.

Lunardi M, Gao C, Hara H, Ono M, Kawashima H, Wang R, Wijns W, Serruys PW, Onuma Y. Coronary interventions in 2020: the year in review. EuroIntervention 2021; 16(15):e1215-e1226.

Kawashima H, Tomaniak M, Ono M, Wang R, Hara H, Gao C, Takahashi K, Sharif F, Thury A, Suryapranata H, Walsh S, Cotton J, Carrie D, Sabate M, Steinwender C, Leibundgut G, Wykrzykowska J, de Winter RJ, Garg S, Hamm C, Steg PG, Juni P, Vranckx P, Valgimigli M, Windecker S, Onuma Y, Serruys PW. Safety and Efficacy of 1-Month Dual Antiplatelet Therapy (Ticagrelor + Aspirin) Followed by 23-Month Ticagrelor Monotherapy in Patients Undergoing Staged Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (A Sub-Study from GLOBAL LEADERS). Am J Cardiol 2021; 138:1-10.

Kawashima H, Soliman O, Wang R, Ono M, Hara H, Gao C, Zeller E, Thakkar A, Tamburino C, Bedogni F, Neumann FJ, Thiele H, Abdel-Wahab M, Morice MC, Webster M, Rosseel L, Mylotte D, Onuma Y, Wijns W, Baumbach A, Serruys PW. Rationale and design of a randomized clinical trial comparing safety and efficacy of myval transcatheter heart valve versus contemporary transcatheter heart valves in patients with severe symptomatic aortic valve stenosis: The LANDMARK trial. Am Heart J 2021; 232:23-38.

Kawashima H, Hara H, Wang R, Ono M, Gao C, Takahashi K, Suryapranata H, Walsh S, Cotton J, Carrie D, Sabate M, Steinwender C, Leibundgut G, Wykrzykowska J, Hamm C, Juni P, Vranckx P, Valgimigli M, Windecker S, de Winter RJ, Sharif F, Onuma Y, Serruys PW. Usefulness of updated logistic clinical SYNTAX score based on MI-SYNTAX score in patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv 2021; 97(7):E919-E928.

Ishizuka M, Harada M, Nomura S, Ko T, Ikeda Y, Guo J, Bujo S, Yanagisawa-Murakami H, Satoh M, Yamada S, Kumagai H, Motozawa Y, Hara H, Fujiwara T, Sato T, Takeda N, Takeda N, Otsu K, Morita H, Toko H, Komuro I. CXCR7 ameliorates myocardial infarction as a beta-arrestin-biased receptor. Sci Rep 2021; 11(1):3426.

Gao C, Takahashi K, Garg S, Hara H, Wang R, Kawashima H, Ono M, Montalescot G, Haude M, Slagboom T, Vranckx P, Valgimigli M, Windecker S, Hamm C, Steg PG, Storey R, van Geuns RJ, Tao L, Onuma Y, Serruys PW. Regional variation in patients and outcomes in the GLOBAL LEADERS trial. Int J Cardiol 2021; 324:30-37.

Gao C, Kogame N, Modolo R, Takahashi K, Wang R, Kawashima H, Ono M, Hara H, Tomaniak M, Zaman A, de Winter RJ, van Geuns RJ, Kaul U, Serruys PW, Onuma Y. The ultra-thin strut sirolimus-eluting coronary stent: SUPRAFLEX. Future Cardiol 2021; 17(2):227-237.

Gao C, Buszman P, Buszman P, Chichareon P, Modolo R, Garg S, Takahashi K, Kawashima H, Wang R, Chang CC, Kogame N, Tomaniak M, Ono M, Hara H, Slagboom T, Aminian A, Naber CK, Carrie D, Hamm C, Steg PG, Onuma Y, Geuns RV, Serruys PW, Zurakowski A. Influence of Bleeding Risk on Outcomes of Radial and Femoral Access for Percutaneous Coronary Intervention: An Analysis From the GLOBAL LEADERS Trial. Can J Cardiol 2021; 37(1):122-130.

Adachi Y, Kiyosue A, Ando J, Kawahara T, Kodera S, Minatsuki S, Kikuchi H, Inaba T, Kiriyama H, Hirose K, ShinoHara H, Saito A, Fujiwara T, Hara H, Ueda K, Sakakura K, Hatano M, Harada M, Takimoto E, Akazawa H, Morita H, Momomura SI, Fujita H, Komuro I. Factors associated with left ventricular reverse remodelling after percutaneous coronary intervention in patients with left ventricular systolic dysfunction. Sci Rep 2021; 11(1):239.

Wang R, Takahashi K, Chichareon P, Gao C, Kogame N, Modolo R, Tomaniak M, Kawashima H, Ono M, Hara H, Schachinger V, Tonev G, Ungi I, Botelho R, Eeckhout E, Hamm C, Juni P, Vranckx P, Windecker S, Garg S, Van Geuns RJ, Onuma Y, Serruys PW. The impact of pre-procedure heart rate on adverse clinical outcomes in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention: Results from a 2-year follow-up of the GLOBAL LEADERS trial. Atherosclerosis 2020; 303:1-7.

Tomaniak M, Chichareon P, Klimczak-Tomaniak D, Takahashi K, Kogame N, Modolo R, Wang R, Ono M, Hara H, Gao C, Kawashima H, Rademaker-Havinga T, Garg S, Curzen N, Haude M, Kochman J, Gori T, Montalescot G, Angiolillo DJ, Capodanno D, Storey RF, Hamm C, Vranckx P, Valgimigli M, Windecker S, Onuma Y, Serruys PW, Anderson R. Impact of renal function on clinical outcomes after PCI in ACS and stable CAD patients treated with ticagrelor: a prespecified analysis of the GLOBAL LEADERS randomized clinical trial. Clin Res Cardiol 2020; 109(7):930-943.

Toko H, Morita H, Katakura M, Hashimoto M, Ko T, Bujo S, Adachi Y, Ueda K, Murakami H, Ishizuka M, Guo J, Zhao C, Fujiwara T, Hara H, Takeda N, Takimoto E, Shido O, Harada M, Komuro I. Omega-3 fatty acid prevents the development of heart failure by changing fatty acid composition in the heart. Sci Rep 2020; 10(1):15553.

Takahashi K, Wang R, Kawashima H, Tomaniak M, Gao C, Ono M, Hara H, Wykrzykowska JJ, de Winter RJ, Werner N, Teiger E, Almeida M, Barraud P, Lantelme P, Barlis P, Garg S, Hamm C, Steg PG, Onuma Y, Vranckx P, Windecker S, Valgimigli M, Serruys PW. Efficacy and safety of one-month DAPT followed by 23-month ticagrelor monotherapy in patients undergoing proximal LAD stenting: Insights from the GLOBAL LEADERS trial. Int J Cardiol 2020; 320:27-34.

Serruys PW, Hara H, Onuma Y. Did the SYNTAX Score Pass the Test of Time? JACC Cardiovasc Interv 2020; 13(10):1207-1210.

Ono M, Kawashima H, Hara H, Gao C, Wang R, Kogame N, Takahashi K, Chichareon P, Modolo R, Tomaniak M, Wykrzykowska JJ, Piek JJ, Mori I, Courtney BK, Wijns W, Sharif F, Bourantas C, Onuma Y, Serruys PW. Advances in IVUS/OCT and Future Clinical Perspective of Novel Hybrid Catheter System in Coronary Imaging. Front Cardiovasc Med 2020; 7(119):119.

Ono M, Chichareon P, Tomaniak M, Kawashima H, Takahashi K, Kogame N, Modolo R, Hara H, Gao C, Wang R, Walsh S, Suryapranata H, da Silva PC, Cotton J, Koning R, Akin I, Rensing B, Garg S, Wykrzykowska JJ, Piek JJ, Juni P, Hamm C, Steg PG, Valgimigli M, Windecker S, Storey RF, Onuma Y, Vranckx P, Serruys PW. The association of body mass index with long-term clinical outcomes after ticagrelor monotherapy following abbreviated dual antiplatelet therapy in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention: a prespecified sub-analysis of the GLOBAL LEADERS Trial. Clin Res Cardiol 2020; 109(9):1125-1139.

Kogame N, Ono M, Kawashima H, Tomaniak M, Hara H, Leipsic J, Andreini D, Collet C, Patel MR, Tu S, Xu B, Bourantas CV, Lerman A, Piek JJ, Davies JE, Escaned J, Wijns W, Onuma Y, Serruys PW. The Impact of Coronary Physiology on Contemporary Clinical Decision Making. JACC Cardiovasc Interv 2020; 13(14):1617-1638.

Kogame N, Guimaraes PO, Modolo R, De Martino F, Tinoco J, Ribeiro EE, Kawashima H, Ono M, Hara H, Wang R, Cavalcante R, Moulin B, Falcao BAA, Leite RS, de Almeida Sampaio FB, Morais GR, Meireles GC, Campos CM, Onuma Y, Serruys PW, Lemos PA. Aspirin-Free Prasugrel Monotherapy Following Coronary Artery Stenting in Patients With Stable CAD: The ASET Pilot Study. JACC Cardiovasc Interv 2020; 13(19):2251-2262.

Kawashima H, Ono M, Kogame N, Takahashi K, Chang CC, Hara H, Gao C, Wang R, Tomaniak M, Modolo R, Wykrzykowska JJ, De Winter RJ, Sharif F, Serruys PW, Onuma Y. Drug-eluting bioresorbable scaffolds in cardiovascular disease, peripheral artery and gastrointestinal fields: a clinical update. Expert Opin Drug Deliv 2020; 17(7):931-945.

Kawashima H, Gao C, Takahashi K, Tomaniak M, Ono M, Hara H, Wang R, Chichareon P, Suryapranata H, Walsh S, Cotton J, Koning R, Rensing B, Wykrzykowska J, de Winter RJ, Garg S, Anderson R, Hamm C, Steg PG, Onuma Y, Serruys PW. Comparative Assessment of Predictive Performance of PRECISE-DAPT, CRUSADE, and ACUITY Scores in Risk Stratifying 30-Day Bleeding Events. Thromb Haemost 2020; 120(7):1087-1095.

Gao C, Wang R, Sharif F, Takahashi K, Ono M, Hara H, Tomaniak M, Kawashima H, Modolo R, van Geuns RM, Capodanno D, Byrne RA, Wijns W, Onuma Y, Serruys PW. The year in review: coronary interventions. EuroIntervention 2020; 15(17):1534-1547.

Gao C, Tomaniak M, Takahashi K, Kawashima H, Wang R, Hara H, Ono M, Montalescot G, Garg S, Haude M, Slagboom T, Vranckx P, Valgimigli M, Windecker S, van Geuns RJ, Hamm C, Steg PG, Onuma Y, Angiolillo DJ, Serruys PW. Ticagrelor monotherapy in patients with concomitant diabetes mellitus and chronic kidney disease: a post hoc analysis of the GLOBAL LEADERS trial. Cardiovasc Diabetol 2020; 19(1):179.

Takeda N, Inuzuka R, Maemura S, Morita H, Nawata K, Fujita D, Taniguchi Y, Yamauchi H, Yagi H, Kato M, Nishimura H, Hirata Y, Ikeda Y, Kumagai H, Amiya E, Hara H, Fujiwara T, Akazawa H, Suzuki JI, Imai Y, Nagai R, Takamoto S, Hirata Y, Ono M, Komuro I. Impact of Pathogenic FBN1 Variant Types on the Progression of Aortic Disease in Patients With Marfan Syndrome. Circ Genom Precis Med 2018; 11(6):e002058.

Takeda N, Hara H, Fujiwara T, Kanaya T, Maemura S, Komuro I. TGF-beta Signaling-Related Genes and Thoracic Aortic Aneurysms and Dissections. Int J Mol Sci 2018; 19(7).

Fujiwara T, Takeda N, Hara H, Morita H, Kishihara J, Inuzuka R, Yagi H, Maemura S, Toko H, Harada M, Ikeda Y, Kumagai H, Nomura S, Takimoto E, Akazawa H, Ako J, Komuro I. Distinct variants affecting differential splicing of TGFBR1 exon 5 cause either Loeys-Dietz syndrome or multiple self-healing squamous epithelioma. Eur J Hum Genet 2018; 26(8):1151-1158.

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